Monday, March 26, 2007

rusted monday

Hergun hayatimizin rutinleri vardir.Gune baslariz,gun biter.Uyuruz,uyaniriz.Sabah cikar aksam geri doneriz.Ve bu surecte hep tuketmeye mahkumuz.tukettiklerimiz ise hayatimizin bir rutinini daha olusturur.Hergun evimizdeki copleri toplamali ve onlari bizden sonraki yolculuga hazirlmaliyiz.Iste ilk resim pazartesi rutini.ben gune basliyorum.Onlar ise aksami bekliyorlar burdan ayrilmak icin .Butun bir hafta sonunun yigini olarak...

Each of our day has a routine as we start and end it. We fall asleep and awake. we go out to come back at night.We are destined to consume in this process. What we consume constitute a part of our life's routine. Each day we must pick up our trash and get them ready for their journey
here is the photo of monday's routine. We wait for the night to embark their journey
and to end up a weeks pile...

1 comment:

kloeamongtheturks said...

Love the idea of your blog. And the title is really funny... Can't wait for more!